Upcoming Dates

This Week
Tuesday 13
10K Geography Field Trip
Wednesday 14
Rugby 7's Secondary in Armidale - selected students
5.30pm School Advisory Council Meeting in the Primary Staffroom
Thursday 15
Alpha Year 10
Friday 16
9.30am- 10:15am KS Liturgy at SHC
Year 3-6 Mini Olympics
Next Week
Monday 19
3:45-5:45pm Secondary Family Conferences
Tuesday 20
3:45-5:45pm Secondary Family Conferences
12:10-1:10pm Book Week Parade K-10
1:15 -2:00pm Library Open Day and primary classroom window walks
Please note time correction from the What's on flyer this week.
Wednesday 21
Todd Woodbridge Stage 3 Tennis in Tamworth - selected students
Consent Required via Compass
Rugby 7's Secondary in Armidale - selected students
Secondary Small Schools Rugby League Final Bathurst - selected students
Secondary Chess Semi Final - selected students
Primary Brain Olympia - selected students
Secondary CCC Athletics Carnival - selected students
Major excursions - Canberra, Lake Keepit, Tea Gardens and Sydney and now Thalgararah (Year 3) and Copeton Dam (Year 10)
Friday 27 September
Monday 14 October.