Principal Team

Jamie Sharp & Shane Gagiero 

Principal Report for August 2024 newsletter


It has been great to see our school in the full swing of Term 3. August has provided our students with a wide range of opportunities to compliment the great learning that happens inside the classes each day. What I have loved throughout being involved in these activities, are the way our students support and care for one and other.



In my last report I mentioned about NAPLAN and the success our school has continued to deliver in 2024. The planning, delivery and assessment of content at each student’s point of need is something that is reflected in these results (at the end of my principal report). An example of this was when I had a group of Prep students come up to me last Monday with some writing they had developed. Each student had a specific writing goal. These ranged from writing on the baseline, finger spacing, boundary punctuation (that is starting with a capital letter and finishing with a full stop or exclamation mark or question mark) and having more than two ideas in their recount. This is then carefully assessed by the teacher and the next goals are formed with the student.

Although NAPLAN is at Year 3 and 5, the examples in Prep show how we engage students in learning at the very start. NAPLAN is the reflection of the collaborative work by our educators, the support from parents and carers at home and engagement by the students.



What an amazing performance. Our students were outstanding on stage at the Frankston Arts Centre. The show combined dance, props, terrific make-up and costumes, theatrics, entertainment and more. It was great to pop in before and after the event to watch our ‘stars’ go through the combination of nerves and excitement before the event, through to the joy and tiredness at completion.

I must commend the work of all our staff and parents who helped with the production and a big thank you to Jess Emery for her vision and facilitation of this performance with the students. This was rewarded with SEVEN awards on the night and a STATE award!



We have had a few camps over the past month with our Year 2 students at Briars for a day camp and Year 3 and 4 students who headed to Phillip Island last week. These are great extracurricular activities for our students to participate in. Doing activities such as ropes courses, the giant swing and archery, provide a different chance for our students to shine.



Sporting events


This month our students have participated in a whole school Olympic day at school which was a cross-aged event. The students did a variety of physical and research based activities about the Olympics.

Our Year 3 – 6 students participated at Ballam Park in the House Athletics day which was a huge hit. The weather certainly helped! Thanks to all the parent helpers as well as the staff to make this a memorable day for our children. We now have a big team representing our school at the district level. Which I wish them all the best.

Then last week there was the District Basketball tournament where we had many teams compete well at the Frankston Basketball Stadium in Year 5 &6.


Parent and Carers Survey

Thanks to all who fill out the parent and carers survey. We now have over 20% of families fill this out. The Department of Education have extended this timeline until 20th September, for those who may have missed the initial cut off date.


Prep 2025

Last week we held the Prep information night for our 2025 students. We are well into the planning stage for the next year, with staff members in conversations with kindergartens to enable a more seamless transition into the schooling environment. If you have a child who will be attending our school or know of someone who is yet to enrol their child, please ask them to contact the office so we can put in the necessary plans for 2025.

As you can see, there is a lot that has happened. Next month we will continue to provide high quality learning in the classes, along with exciting events such as the school disco, book parade and Footy Day to name a few.



Jamie Sharp



NAPLAN results are divided into four categories; Exceeding, Strong, Developing and Needs Attention. These results are based as a comparative to the national performance. Along with this we receive data sets that provide comparisons to the state. We also outperformed our network and similar schools.

Here are our results in Reading, Writing and Numeracy in Years 3 and 5