Upcoming events

Year 5-6 Body Education Incursion - Friday 6th September
In Victoria, it is compulsory for government schools to provide Sexuality Education within the Health and Physical Education domain. The Education Department acknowledges that a comprehensive Sexuality Education Program that provides consistent, age appropriate and accurate information that is inclusive and respectful, is a vital part of a student’s overall education.Kelly Nash has conducted Sexuality Education at Somerville Primary School for many years. Her aim is to support (not substitute) families in this important area of education. Your role in this time is important, as Kelly will be asking the students to interview you regarding your experience of teen years, this allows you to be actively involved and also gives Kelly a prompt for our second session regarding the social and emotional changes of puberty.The Year 5's will complete sessions in their classrooms spread across 3 weeks.The Year 6's will complete sessions as a cohort session and then as a session split into males and females.
Year 1 Aquarium Excursion - Mon 9th September
In Term 3 the Year 1 students will be studying Science as their Inquiry topic. Specifically looking into Marine Animals. Our excursion to SeaLife (Melbourne Aquarium) will supplement and consolidate our learning on:- Describing how different places meet the needs of marine animals.- Looking into how our environment affects different marine animalsDuring the excursion we will undertake a 2 hour guided tour called Ocean Kids (Habitats).We will be leaving school at 9am on the dot, travelling via bus to SeaLife and return to school before 3:15pm.We look forward to having all the Year 1 students coming along to this exciting excursion.A reminder about the excursion, the itinerary, what to bring and what your child will need to wear will be sent out closer to the excursion date.
Year 6 Market - Monday 16th September