Principals Report

I would like to congratulate all of our current Year 11 students who have applied to represent the student body and school as our 2024/2025 school leaders. This year, we have an impressive 11 students who have put themselves forward. Next week, we will be holding our election speeches, after which voting will open for both staff and students. I wish all of our candidates the best of luck and want to thank each of you for stepping up and giving it your all. For those who may not secure the role they desire, please remember that you’ve done your best, and there will be many other opportunities to represent your school and peers. Don’t forget that we still have Sports Captain nominations coming up.


I would also like to acknowledge the hard work and dedication of Kayden Elliott in his chosen sport. Winning a Gold Medal at the Nationals Cross Country is an outstanding achievement and a true testament to Kayden’s commitment and dedication. Please check out the article later in our newsletter for more details.


This week, we also celebrated Wear it Purple 2024: Your Passion, Your Pride - a wonderful opportunity for our school to embrace diversity, encourage inclusion and promote our safe school environment. The day was marked by a delicious cake and a fun color run.


I would like to offer a friendly reminder to our families that school begins promptly at 8:50 AM with CLaN (Connected Learning and Nurture). We’ve noticed an increase in the number of students arriving late, and we want to emphasize that regular attendance is essential for students to achieve their best possible outcomes. Schools, in partnership with parents, are responsible for encouraging consistent attendance.

There may be times when your child needs to be absent from school. Justified reasons for absences may include:

  • Illness or an infectious disease
  • Unavoidable medical appointments
  • Attendance at a recognized religious holiday
  • Exceptional or urgent family circumstances, such as a funeral

Parents must provide an explanation for any absences within 7 days from the first day of the absence. If an explanation is not received within this timeframe, the school will record the absence as unexplained on the student's record.