Assistant Principals' Report

Dear HPS Community,


Happy Friday!!


We have had another great week at HPS. How amazing was the weather. It was nice to have some short-sleeved tops on, although didn’t get as far as a skirt or for some folk wearing shorts. 


Dogs Connect


HPS partnered with Dogs Connect two years ago and some of our staff have completed training to assist with this important work and support for our students and community.





Duke the Groodle has been doing a fantastic job at HPS since being introduced in May 2023. Lately, he has been spending time in our school library and in various classrooms. He has also been in Wellbeing lessons in Year 4 each week. Duke also enjoys being on yard duty before and after school and from time to time during the lunch and recess breaks.




‘We’ve worked with schools across Australia to help introduce a wellbeing dog into the community. The benefits have been remarkable, not just with mental health but with improved student learning outcomes. We love working with educators who are passionate about supporting young people to become valuable and independent people. A school dog can become entrenched in the pedagogy and bring powerful impacts to students, staff, and families.’ 


For more information about Dogs Connect please go to


Enrichment Clubs - Term 3



Have a great weekend! 


Helen Thomas & Monique Rankin

Assistant Principals

Heidelberg Primary School