Principal's Report

Tim Furphy, Principal

This term is slipping away from us quicker than expected. Spring seems to be only just around the corner, I know my hayfever certainly feels it in the air. Today our F/1s are off exploring the big wide world in the Melbourne CBD, and next week they (F/1/2s) will be having their sleepover at school.  A fun couple of weeks for them. Other classes have continued regular programming and are working really hard on some new routines and systems.  I can't possibly forget our bookweek dress up day last week, what a huge effort by all to dress up and get involved. It was so great to see all costumes, and hear fantastic ideas through out shared literacy activities. We look to tomorrow where we celebrate the special Fathers, Grandads and special people in our lives. We hope to see many of you here for our morning tea!



Grade 4-6 students last term completed our Attitude to School Survey. Going through this data as staff really opened our eyes to the way our students are feeling. To hear more from them, on Tuesday we got together as a whole school to unpack some of our strengths and challenges. In mixed age groups, students came up with some ideas to make our school even better. This is vital for us as we look towards embedding their voice in improving our school. We loved hearing from them, and look forward to actioning their suggestions (unfortunately we can't action them all - as much fun as it would be, a pool isn't quite in our future plans, but the purpose of our brainstorm was to get ALL ideas down in any case). 





Schools out have reduced thier prices considerably to provide thier service at our school. The service (before subsidy) costs $10 for AM  and $15 for PM. Most families are paying less than $3 per session, some less than $1. It's well worth it! Wednesdays ARE AVAILABLE, however at this stage there are no bookings for Wednesdays.