Ryan’s Rambling 

Message from the Principal 

Dear Families,


Has anyone else noticed the smell of Spring in the air this week? The mercury topped 18 degrees on Wednesday, which lifted the spirits of students and staff at Dana Street. 


Our school conducted Learning Walks this week, as part of our Annual Implementation and Improvement Plan. What are Learning Walks, you may ask? Learning Walks are an observation protocol where a team of people visit our classrooms to ensure our teaching and learning plans are enacted with fidelity, and that there’s consistency across classrooms. Our School Improvement Team define Terms of Reference for our Learning Walks. Our two Terms of Reference for our Learning Walks this time around were: 


To what degree are we implementing Morning Circle with consistency?


To what degree are we supporting students with explicit teaching and feedback in Numeracy? 


Across our school, it was clearly evident that our staff are doing a great job of providing our students with a safe, predictable and orderly environment through our Morning Circles. These are really setting up the day for success. Our Numeracy teaching also demonstrated strong explicit teaching of skills and strategies to calculate, which was fantastic to see. 


At assembly this morning, we celebrated one of our student’s amazing achievements at South Street. Lara showcased one of her many talents in singing, and came away with not one, but two medals: one gold and one bronze. The Royal South Street Competition is held in extremely high regard and is a fiercely competitive event, so for one of our own students to achieve what she has, it incredible. Congratulations, Lara!  


Have a fantastic weekend. 


Ryan 😊