Student Leader & School House captians visited Dianelle Community Centre.

On the 6th of August, 10 of our awesome student leaders, including the School and House captains, had the chance to head out to Dianella Community Centre for National Homelessness Week. It was without a question an insightful experience! We got to put together dignity packs filled with donations from our generous Wyndham Community for those in need. Plus, we had a blast making bracelets and origami, some even showcasing our school spirit.
The event came to an end with an eye-opening presentation and some delicious food. We learned so much about homelessness, like how Wyndham stacks up against other Melbourne areas and just how insanely overpriced the housing prices have gotten recently. It truly made us appreciate what we have and realise how lucky we are; especially not to take our lives for granted.
We also got to meet some local legends and ask them all about their work in the community. Overall, it was a super fun and productive day, and we’re so grateful for the chance to represent Doherty’s Creek P-9 College at such a meaningful event. We left with full hearts and big smiles, knowing we had an amazing time while learning a lot too!
Raameen Islam,
2024 School Captain