Uncoming Event and Important Information

Monday 2nd to Friday 6th September
Year 2 Swimming Program
On each day during the week of September 2nd - 6th, Year 2 children will have a daily 40-45 min swimming lesson at Westbourne Sports & Aquatic Centre, Truganina, under the instruction of qualified swim teachers. This will be the Intensive Swim Program for these students in 2024.
Group 1 Year 2C, 2D, 2K 9.10 to 10.40am
Group 2 Year 2I, 2J 9.55 to 11.25am
Group 3 Year 2A, 2B 10.40am to 12.10pm
Group 4 Year 2E, 2F, 2K 11.40am to 1.10pm
Group 5 Year 2G, 2H 12.25pm to 1.55pm
Monday 9th to Friday 13th September
Prep Swimming Program
On each day during the week of September 2nd - 6th, Year 2 children will have a daily 40-45 min swimming lesson at Westbourne Sports & Aquatic Centre, Truganina, under the instruction of qualified swim teachers. This will be the Intensive Swim Program for these students in 2024.
Group 1 Prep G, Prep H 9.10 to 10.40am
Group 2 Prep E, Prep F 9.55 to 11.25am
Group 3 Prep I, Prep J 10.40am to 12.10pm
Group 4 Prep C, Prep D 11.40am to 1.10pm
Group 5 Prep A, Prep B 12.25pm to 1.55pm
Friday 13th September
Year 6 Violence is Never OK
Year 8 Violence is Never OK
Year 9 Rethinking Anger
Friday 11th October
Year 6 Excursion to Chinese Museum. Consent and Payment due Wednesday 25th Sept
Thursday 17th October
Year 9 Science Gallery. Consent Due Wednesday 2nd October
Year 1 F, G, H, I, J, K, Stay Late Consent and Payment due Friday 20th Sept
Thursday 24th October
Year 1 A,B, C, D, E, Stay Late Consent and Payment due Friday 20th Sept
Monday 28th to Wednesday 30 October
Group 1 Year 3 & 4 Sunnystone Camp Payment due Monday 07th Oct
Wednesday 30th October to Friday 1st November
Group 2 Year 3 & 4 Sunnystone Camp Payment due Monday 07th Oct
Monday 11th to Wednesday 13th November
Group 3 Year 4 & 5 Sunnystone Camp Payment due Monday 07th Oct
Wednesday 13th to Friday 15th November
Group 4 Year 5 Sunnystone Camp Payment due Monday 07th Oct