Learning & Teaching

Michela Vella and Josy Reeder

Book Week

Our Book Week festivities continued with a captivating performance from Perform Education last Thursday. Their dynamic production brought this year's shortlisted books to life through an engaging blend of singing, dancing, and acting. Each story was vividly portrayed, allowing students to experience the magic of these books in an entirely new way.


We concluded with a delightful 'Genre Picnic' on Friday, where students and teachers gathered to enjoy various literary genres in a relaxed and social setting. Baskets were spread out, and everyone indulged in the joy of reading, sharing stories, and discussing favorite books. This event not only celebrated the diversity of literature but also fostered a love of reading within the school community, making it a memorable and enriching experience for all involved.


Excellence at OLA

We celebrate achievements at OLA every day in the classroom. Outstanding achievement is celebrated at every assembly in the front of the school. Congratulations to all the students who received an award last week. 

Prime Minister's Spelling Bee

Congratulations to all our Grade 3-6 students who participated in the Prime Minister's Spelling Bee! The words were incredibly challenging, and we have had some fantastic results. We would like to give a special shout-out to our class champions, the students who achieved the highest scores and quickest times in each class.

Class Champions: Peter K, Zoe P, Alice W, Eden F, Cleo K and Isabelle W

School Champion: Eden F

Eden not only had the highest score in the school but has also progressed to the state/territory finals! This is an amazing accomplishment, as only the top 200 students in each state are selected. We are so proud of you!

Well done to everyone who participated. 


Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Schools – School Improvement Surveys (MACSISS) 

On Monday all families received an invitation via an email that OLA is participating in Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Schools - School Improvement Surveys (MACSISS). We really value your feedback and so encourage you to complete the survey. This is an avenue for you to have a voice to influence the ongoing improvement of OLA. Please check your SPAM if you haven't received it and contact Michela Vella on mvella@olacheltenham.catholic.edu.au if you have any questions.