Principal Report
A report from Principal Tyson Smith
Principal Report
A report from Principal Tyson Smith
Term 3 is certainly moving forward at tremendous speed, I cannot believe it is week 6 already!
Book Week
What an amazing book week celebration we had on Monday. We were treated to amazing sunshine to highlight all the fantastic costumes everyone had. I was particularly lucky to have such a perfect view from up high so I couldn't miss a single book-themed dress-up effort. This year's theme was 'Reading is Magic' and I think everyone did a magical effort.
Gaga Ball
The new Gaga Pit opened this week at recess and lunch and while it was incredibly loud, all had loads of fun. All students were playing so well, including everyone being resilient when they were knocked out and giving it a go.
Technology agreement
A reminder to all families, particularly the for 3-6 students, that it is against the school's technology agreement for any student to text message (or message on any app) while at school. The BYO iPad program is designed to support learning programs in years 3-6 to enable learning through access to online platforms. The use of technology in school must be purposeful and is safe, balanced and appropriate. The use of messaging apps is in breach of the school's mobile phone policy, this includes messages between students and their immediate family eg parents. Schools must provide physical and online environments that promote safety and wellbeing while minimising the opportunity for young people to be harmed.
Respect for School Staff
All staff at Aberfeldie Primary School have a right to a safe and supportive work environment, and we expect that parents/carers and visitors behave in an appropriate and respectful manner at all times. Aberfeldie Primary School expects all members of our community to act consistently with our 'Respect for School Staff' policy.