Principal's Report

Joshua Sheffield                                                                                                                                                                                                  

Events Everywhere!

As we find ourselves just over the mid-point of term, we have a large number of events underway or on the horizon, which is the overarching theme of this newsletter. I look forward to many of you joining us for a range of the below activities. 



This week is Book Week, with the theme ‘Reading is Magic’. The highlight of the week is always the dress up day, which we are holding this Thursday. We encourage children to dress up as a character from their favourite book, and love to see costumes that are simple, re/upcycled and fun. Children will participate in a parade at 2:45 in the Quad (weather permitting) showing off their costumes, with parents welcome to come along; this will also serve as the week’s assembly. Please only go to as much trouble as you can as I can empathise with the implied expectation and resulting stress of these days!



The annual Battle of the Boots is upon us this Saturday, and it looks like being a fantastic day weather-wise for our clash with St Mary’s. I look forward to seeing you all at Brighton Beach Oval at 2pm cheering home our dads to what will hopefully be a win and will definitely be a fantastic day and event!



We currently have a team of over 20 skiers up at Mt Buller competing in the Victorian Schools Snow Sports Championships. This marks the first year of us having a team up there and we are thrilled that skiers of all abilities have taken up the challenge in a range of events. We wish them well and look forward to sharing their results.  


Next Wednesday 28th August is our biennial Concert, with this year being a dance and circus performance of our Grade 5/6 students. They have been practicing both disciplines hard and I’ve no doubt will put on an incredible show. 



To celebrate Father’s Day, please join us on Friday 30th August at 2:00pm in the Quad for a barbeque, followed by some fun in your child’s class. These afternoons have had fantastic participation in the past and we (and your children) really appreciate the effort it takes to get here during the day and be a part of it. 

Please note there will be no assembly on the day.



Parent Teacher Interviews will occur from 9th – 13th September, serving as this term’s key feedback piece after last term’s reports. Further information and booking details will be shared next week. 

Tree Planting

Congratulations to our Foundation students and their Grade 6 Buddies who recently spent an afternoon busily planting a range of fruit trees around our school. These will take some time to grow and fruit but represent a lovely legacy piece for our Buddies and, in time, provide another opportunity for students to learn more about growing, harvesting and enjoying home grown produce. Please take care around them whilst they establish. 

Parent Opinion Survey

Our school is conducting the annual Parent / Caregiver / Guardian Opinion Survey offered by the Department of Education and is seeking the feedback of our families. The survey is designed to assist schools in gaining an understanding of families’ perceptions of school climate, student behaviour, and student engagement. The survey is sent to 35% of our families, from a randomly generate sample. If you receive the survey invitation, we strongly encourage you to complete it. If you have any questions, please get in touch with the office. 

New & Important Dates

  • Book Week Dress Up Day: Tomorrow! Assembly & Parade @ 2:45pm. 
  • House Athletics: August 23rd 
  • Grade 5/6 Concert: August 28th 
  • RRRR Parent Information Session: September 3rd @7:30pm 
  • Raising Kids (Dad's Club Event): 5th September
  • Parent Teacher Interviews: September 9th 
  • Curriculum Day: Monday 4th November
  • Curriculum Day: Monday 9th December

To stay up to date with all events and key dates, see the Compass Calendar.