P - 6 Assistant Principal's update 

Billy Barnes - P - 6 Assistant Principal 

Welcome to Our New Families:

To the families who are joining our community for the first time, we extend our warmest greetings. Your presence enriches the fabric of our school, and we are thrilled to have you on board. Kyabram P-12 College is a supportive community that values collaboration, diversity, and shared growth. We look forward to forging strong partnerships with each of you throughout the school year.


A Special Welcome to Our Prep Stars:

To our newest members, the Prep students, a special welcome awaits you! Starting school is a significant milestone, and we are excited to be part of this journey with you. Our teachers and staff are committed to providing a nurturing and engaging environment where curiosity is sparked, friendships blossom, and a love for learning is cultivated.


The safety of our students is our top priority, and this extends beyond the school gates. Whether your child walks, rides, or is driven to school, we urge parents, guardians, and students alike to be vigilant and prioritise road safety. Here are a few key points to keep in mind:


For Pedestrians and Cyclists:

Use Designated Crosswalks: Encourage students to use marked crosswalks when crossing roads. This ensures visibility and alerts drivers to their presence.

Wear Helmets: If your child rides a bike or scooter to school, wearing a helmet is non-negotiable. It's a simple yet effective measure to protect them in case of an accident.


For Parents Driving to School:

Mindful Driving: Be extra cautious and patient when driving around the school premises. Stick to speed limits and avoid distractions such as mobile phones to ensure a safe drop-off or pick-up.

Parking Considerations: Please adhere to designated drop-off and pick-up zones. Illegally parked cars can create hazards for pedestrians and other drivers.


General Tips:

Teach Road Safety: Take time to educate your children about the importance of road safety. In still good habits early on, such as looking both ways before crossing and obeying traffic signals.

Visibility Matters: Ensure that children are visible, especially during darker mornings and evenings. Encourage the use of bright-coloured clothing or reflective accessories.

Remember, by working together, we can create a safer environment for everyone in our school community. Let's set a positive example for our students and instil in them the values of responsibility and awareness.


With gratitude, 


Billy Barnes 

P - 6 Assistant Principal