Primary Instrumental Music Sessions Begin
Sue Meeking - Performance Arts
Primary Instrumental Music Sessions Begin
Sue Meeking - Performance Arts
Our talented instrumental music teachers have begun setting their timetables to teach violin, guitar, piano (keyboard), brass and woodwind and euro phone, drums, recorder, and group singing (Primary Singers).
Free ‘come try’ opportunities are available in violin for years 3 /4 and in brass or woodwind for years 5 /6. This is a great first semester introduction to instruments your child may want to continue into the future.
Other instruments are charged a very reasonable $150 per semester (two terms).
Lessons in piano and violin can begin from Year 2.
Music applications went home by email in December. You can also collect a form from the office or from Sue Meeking email:
Secondary students have access to all instrumental lessons.
Interested families should contact the office for more information.