General News

NAPLAN timetable
Story Box Library
Story Box Library is an education resource now available to Roselea families to use at home as well as in the classroom. It is a website created for children to view stories by local authors and illustrators, being read aloud by predominantly Australian and New Zealand storytellers. Reading aloud to children greatly improves language and literacy skills, especially in the early years of a child's development.
To access Story Box Library at home:
- Visit
- Choose "Log In" from the top right corner of the screen
- Log in using the following details:
- Username: Roselea
- Password: School
From the Office
Please attend to the following correspondence via School Bytes:
- Stage 3 PG Movie Permission
- Stage 2 PSSA
- Stage 3 PSSA
- Voluntary School Contributions
- Stage 3 Maths Olympiad