Spotlight on Learning

Stage 1
1P are enjoying learning about Van Gough and enjoyed drawing the sunflowers and painting the flowers. They will continue to apply a black outline around the drawings next week to complete the artwork.
We have been learning about growing patterns and that they are given that name because there is something that gets bigger by the same amount each time. We also learnt about shrinking patterns which get smaller by the same amount each time.
The children participate daily with initialit lessons and they have learnt new "tricky" words and they are learning to read and spell these words. 1P enjoy reading to a partner and in small groups.
Mrs Prince - 1P Classroom Teacher
Stage 2
Over the past 5 weeks, students in Stage 2 have gained a greater understanding of the concepts of narrative and characterisation. Through the study of the text Fantastic Mr Fox, students explored how narratives set up expectations for the reader. They analysed excerpts of the text and used these as the basis for their own innovation. This week, students planned and drafted a sequel to Fantastic Mr Fox. Below are a few amazing examples from 4J.
In mathematics, students continued to develop their whole number skills. They worked on addition and subtraction algorithms, inverse operations and partitioning. Students are learning to flexibly select different strategies and explain their strategies to check their understanding.
Friday was Clean Up Australia Day at school and Stage 2 came well-prepared. Students did a great job in cleaning the school. As a class, 4J reflected on and recognised why is it such an important annual event and something we should continually be mindful of. Students created their own displays to recognise the event.
While some PSSA students represented the school in T-ball and Oz tag, others in Stage 2 delved into the basics of cricket. They learned batting techniques, fielding skills, and even engaged in a mini-game, thoroughly enjoying the experience. They're eagerly anticipating another round next week.
In Visual Arts, Mrs Clements has been instructing 4J on colour theory and the depiction of motion. Throughout recent weeks, students have been diligently replicating Monet's 'Starry Night' using pastels and watercolours. They should all feel proud of the work they've put in.
Mrs Jones - 4J Classroom Teacher
K-6 Support Class
What a busy start to the year! K-6P students are looking forward to continuing exciting learning and discovery. We’ll be performing science experiments, sharing mathematical thinking, making charts and graphs, reading and writing fantastic stories, making music and thinking about Australia, our past and our connection with nearby countries, as well as with each other here at school.
With our class having students of varying abilities and styles of learning, from Kindergarten through to Year 6, we enjoy the opportunity to integrate with our mainstream peers. We follow the same Stage academic programs, adjusted to support further revision or extend beyond grade level, as required.
Each week we enjoy the opportunity of integration with our mainstream peers, both academically and socially.
We’ve made Chinese lanterns, to show we recognise the Year of the Dragon.
Over the past few weeks, Stage 1 students have been reading and writing about Our Island and Under the Southern Cross, learning more about Australia, and using the author’s model to write our own interesting sentences. Stage 2 and Stage 3 students have been extending their knowledge as they study Blueback.
Our class has enjoyed gathering data from each class member, newspapers, the internet and other observations. We’ve tallied our findings, then made graphs to represent the information we collected. Stage 3 students have also studied how graphs can give misleading information.
It’s looking like 2024 will be another year we all enjoy our learning at Roselea, with many opportunities to build on current knowledge and practise new skills.
Ms Pendergast - K-6P Class Teacher