Principal's Message

Mr Cameron Jones - Principal

Parent Teacher Interviews

We have our term 1 parent/carer teacher interviews fast approaching. This is a great opportunity for you to sit down with your child's teacher to discuss their start to the year as well as their goals moving forward. Information on how to book your interviews will come out on Thursday via eNews. The interviews will take place from Monday 25th March to Thursday 28th March. All staff will be onsite until 6.30pm on Tuesday 26th March so I encourage families with multiple children to book in for that day. 



Next Wednesday our Year 3 and Year 5 students will start their NAPLAN tests. There is nothing to be worried or concerned about. All that we expect is the same thing we expect everyday... apply yourself and do your best! A more detailed outline of what test will be done on each day can be found in the general news section of the newsletter. 



We pride ourselves on having an inclusive environment for our students to learn in at Roselea PS. An important part of maintaining this environment is the Anti-Racism Contact Officer. This year, the role is being shared by Mrs Mulholland, Mrs Janssen and Mrs Khastgir. They assist the school community by providing: 


• support to build staff understanding of the impact of racism on student learning and wellbeing 

• advice to students and staff on how to respond when they see or hear incidents of racism 

• advice on what strategies the school can implement to address racism.


These discussions are important at home as well as at school. To support you having these conversations, our ARCO's will have a section in the newsletter once per term. The first will be in the next newsletter.


Food at School

I kindly ask that parents and carers please consider the types of food they send to school. We have numerous students with different allergies, nuts being one of the more common allergies. It is equally important that you reinforce to your children that the main reason we don't share food at school is to keep all our friends safe. Although often well intentioned, each student must only eat their own food. 


Road Safety

As I stand on the gate each morning, I have become increasingly concerned about some of the driving around our school. In particular please don't:

  • three point turn across North Rocks Road
  • park across our neighbours' driveways
  • wait unnecessarily at the kiss and drop zone as there are often families waiting to drop off

Thank you for helping to keep our community safe. 


Principal Awards