Celebrating Student Learning 

Foundation & Year 4 Buddies

Buddy Program

The Buddy Program involves older children being paired with younger children.The purpose of a Buddy Program is to:

  • support a smooth transition for children starting school
  • promote social and support networks for children in Foundation
  • promote a sense of community and belonging in the school

For the students in Year 4, it allows them to develop leadership, responsibility, and pride in their ability to be helpful.


On Thursday 29th of February, the Foundation and Year 4 students finally met each other. The Year 4 students read a picture storybook to the younger children. They then had lunch together and got to know each other by asking questions and engaging in a conversation.


We are looking forward to working together throughout the year.


 Foundation Team


Below are some great photos, enjoy. 

Clean up Australia Day 2024

Last Friday the Year 3 and 4 classes participated in our own ‘Clean Up Australia Day’ event by cleaning up our community. We headed over to Bon Thomas Reserve and picked up all the rubbish we could find. It felt good to be able to help our community!

Statements from 4A and 3C 😊 


Erimyas – At Bon Thomas, on the other side of the field, there was a big fence that had a tonne of rubbish. We cleaned up lots of it!


Chloe – On Friday we went to Bon Thomas, as soon as we came to the soccer / rugby pitch, there was a big puddle of water and sludge that was filled with chip packets and soft drink boxes. We tried to clean it up as good as we could.


Audrey – If we didn’t clean up all of that rubbish, it would all end up in our oceans. 


Bosilija – When we went to Bon Thomas, it was really messy. But after we clean up some of it, we could see the difference.


Caspar – Please don’t rubbish on the ground. It’s disgusting!


Trajko – We put our heart into this! We hope people like what we did!


Amar-Od – Although our hands got dirty (we did have gloves on), it was kind of enjoyable and it was worth it!


Angelia – Pick up all of your rubbish to keep the world clean!


Jena – When we went to Bon Thomas, it was really dirty and disgusting. But when we were walking back, it was way cleaner than when we started.


Rayyan – Help our ocean by banning litter!


Sahib – If we throw rubbish everywhere, our community will be disgusting!