Student of the Week 

A list of student's who received 'Student of the Week' this week 

Student of the Week

Visual Arts - Vitali 1B for making excellent learning choices during Art. Vitali showed outstanding focus and put a lot of effort into his balloon watercolour drawing which looked amazing! You exemplified the school value of “Be a Learner” and were a great role model for your peers. Congratulations Vitali and well done!

Chinese - Ebu 5B for learning classroom request phrases so hard and winning the game. You set a good model for your cohort. I look forward to hearing your Chinese sentences in the future. Well done!!


L.L.I. (Years 3 & 5)- Tharu for your excellent start to the LLI program this year. Keep working hard and show pride in all your achievements. 


L.L.I. (Years 1 & 2)- Ashleigh 2A has been demonstrating the school value of Collaboration. She works really well with the other students in her reading group, and brings an enthusiastic attitude to our L.L.I. lessons each week.


6A - Roland for diligently working to complete the writing tasks this week.  Well done Roland

6B - Olivya for consistently showing a positive mindset towards learning and giving each activity 100 % effort.

6C - Kaiden for showing the DPW values at all times being a consistent role model.  Thankyou Kaiden.


5A - Caleb for showing enthusiasm at school and while learning in class. It is great to see you sharing your incredible knowledge with your peers, making new friendships and bonds in the classroom and always demonstrating school values. You are a superstar Caleb - keep it up!

5B - Fatima for being such a positive role model to her Year 5  peers. She demonstrates exemplary behaviour, showing care, respect and collaboration at all times. Fatima also strives to do his very best during every learning session. Congratulations Fatima for displaying such excellent leadership and interpersonal qualities!

5C - Jane for working hard and being resilient throughout NAPLAN preparation. Well done for always trying your best, and being willing to ask questions when you are unsure. Keep it up! 


4A - Isaac for being such a positive role model to his Year 4 peers. He demonstrates exemplary behaviour, showing care, respect and collaboration at all times. Isaac also strives to do his very best during every learning session. Congratulations Isaac for displaying such excellent  leadership and interpersonal qualities!

4B - Goury for taking great Pride in her position as 4B’s Junior School Council Representative. You have shared information with the class and listened to the ideas of others. Well done!

4C - Tiana for your exceptional work in Writing this week. You actively sought and took on feedback, and were dedicated to improving your writing skills. Fantastic work, Tiana!


3A - Alex for his high level of effort displayed when beginning his narrative. He wrote a fantastic orientation and included ‘onomatopoeia’. Well done, Alex! 

3B - Felix N for making smart learning choices when completing independent work. It is great to see you focused on your tasks and engaged in your learning. Keep it up, Felix!

3C - Diya for continually showing care and kindness towards her classmates. They recognise that you are always friendly and helpful. Congratulations on being an awesome human!


2C - Siddak for demonstrating great pride in his writing. He has stayed focused and worked hard to plan and draft his narrative this week. Well done, Siddak!

2B Aniva for consistently being a respectful, kind and caring class member and showing her best effort in her work .

2A - Ajay for consistently being a respectful, kind and caring class member and always staying focused on his work. 


1B -  Moni for demonstrating the school value of Collaboration and Respect by working fairly with his peers during group tasks. 

1A - Fibi for consistently demonstrating whole body listening and staying focused when completing learning tasks. You are being a great learner, well done! 


FA - Trey for demonstrating the value of respect by always being caring! Well done! 

FB - Ayla for demonstrating integrity. She has worked hard to listen, watch, share, and learn across all key learning areas. Ayla was enthusiastic about sitting quietly and reading her new books in her Book Box. Great job Ayla!


Highlighted Students:


Lower primary: 

1A - Fibi for consistently demonstrating whole body listening and staying focused when completing learning tasks. You are being a great learner, well done! 


Upper primary: 

6A - Roland for diligently working to complete the writing tasks this week.  Well done Roland