Montessori Cycle 2

Grade 1 interview!
By Lindsay
Featuring: Sofia, Zoey and Ruby
I was curious how the first few weeks of school were going for our new Grade 1 friends, so thought I would ask them.
Sofia: “On the first day of school, I felt nervous and excited. I was confused too! Lots of things were different.”
“I’ve learnt some jobs too! I made trilobites out of paper, word sorts, golden beads, AND the timeline of life!”
Ruby: “I was excited for the first day of grade 1, although I also felt like I had butterflies in my stomach.”
“The jobs I like most is the bingo game and shapes!”
Zoey: “I was nervous about the first day of school. I also felt really happy because I was gonna see all my friends.”
“I love everything about school! Especially my teacher, Val!”
“I have learnt how to do counting, writing, and experiments.
This week on Monday, the cycle 2’s were presented with the First Great Story.
The story is about how Earth formed, they used props to show what happened. The teachers create wonder in the students minds by performing magic.
The room is darkened, the music starts.
When all is ready, the music slowly turns off
And the story begins, the story of life…
The classroom was filled with experience and joy and following the story the class was a hive of work and conversation.