Student Learning

Foundation students have been working hard learning their letters. So far they have learnt M, P, S and A. Here they are playing Boom Clap to help remember the letters.
Students have also learnt their first heart word 'the' and made books to practice writing it.
During Maths Foundation students enjoy the activity 'Stack It' where they build towers to match the numbers on the sheet.
All Foundation students will be bringing home their readers every night, students that develop the habit of reading each night from an early age show better outcomes across their schooling. In class students have been learning how to analyse the characters and settings, predicting what is going to happen and critiquing their books.
Year 1/2
Reading: The students looked closely at using clues from their books to make predictions.
Writing: The students loved making Fairy Bread. They used sizzling starts in their opening sentences as they wrote their recount.
Maths: Using Unifix, the students were able to recognise numbers and their place value.
Sport: There were plenty of students hitting the ball for 6 as they enjoyed getting into the swing of cricket.
Resilience: This weeks focus was on 'gratitude'. The students wrote what they were grateful for on leaves and made these beautiful gratitude trees to display in their classroom.
Year 3/4
Students sharing their wonderful narratives they have written in class.
With the ongoing heat sometimes shade is the only option for skill zone fun!
Lewis 3/4 M reading and looking for a message within the text
Claye and Chevy searching for action verbs within their novels.
The 3/4 students have been working on apostrophes in their writing. We then had a spelling word hunt for apostrophes.