Principal's Report

Tim Bernau | Acting Principal

Dear Skye Families,


I hope the conclusion of Week 4 finds you well. We have some exciting updates to share with you in this fortnight's edition. Please make sure you also find your way to the relevant Connect pages to see some highlights from your child's year level as well as a preview of the next fortnight of learning.

Trauma-Informed Positive Education

On our recent Curriculum Day, our entire staff, including teachers, education support, and administration, devoted time to professional development centred on the Berry Street Education Model. This is the beginning of a two-year project in collaboration with Banyan Fields Primary School, focusing on embedding a trauma-informed positive education curriculum. The training included vital discussions on understanding trauma's impact on learning and child development, along with strategies for helping students manage stress and improve focus in school settings. 



We wish to remind our community about the importance of regular school attendance. It's crucial for the educational and social development of our children, providing them with the skills, knowledge, and values they need for future success. Please ensure your child attends school every day, except in cases of approved exemptions or partial enrolments. 

Meet the Teacher

Due to extreme weather conditions, we had to postpone our Meet the Teacher/Twilight Sports event. We're now looking forward to this event on the rescheduled date of Tuesday, 5th March. It's an excellent opportunity for you to connect with your child's teacher and engage in some family activities. We hope to see many of you there.

Parent Carpark Kiss and Go Zone

In response to the congestion experienced in our parent carpark, we're implementing a strict two-minute limit in the Kiss and Go zone, starting the week of 4th March. Adjusting to this change may take some time, and we appreciate your cooperation to help ease traffic flow and enhance safety for our students and families. More information about this change will be communicated via Sentral over the coming week. 


A select group of Year 6 students has completed a 'Peacemakers' training course, preparing them to support younger students in resolving basic playground issues. This peer mediation initiative is part of our broader effort to foster a peaceful school environment. We thank these students for their willingness to contribute positively to our school community.



Our whole school Assembly will now take place fortnightly on Fridays at 2:30 pm. We're excited to introduce the Skye Primary School Excellence Awards during these assemblies, recognising the efforts and achievements of our students. We look forward to families joining us for these special occasions on the following dates this term: 

  • Week 4: 23rd February 2:30pm
  • Week 6: 8th March 2:30pm
  • Week 8: 22nd March 2:30pm

Student Toilet Upgrade

The upgrade of the senior toilets has been completed, and we are now focusing on improving the junior toilets. These upgrades are part of our commitment to maintaining and enhancing our facilities for the benefit of our students.


Thank you for your ongoing support and engagement. Have a great fortnight!


Warm regards,

