Connect: Year 5

Important Dates - Year 5

  • Cyber Safety Workshop, Wednesday 6th of March
  • Emotional Regulation Incursion, Friday 23rd of February
  •  School Photos, Friday 1st of March 
  • Meet the Teacher / Scrap booking afternoon, Tuesday 5th March
  •  NAPLAN, 13th-25th of March 
  •  House Athletics, Thursday 28th March

What's happening in our classroom?


Cyber Safety Workshop

On Wednesday 6th March, all grade 5 & 6 students will participate in a free workshop where they will consider ways to secure their information online, including an understanding of how to create a strong password, and explore what can happen to information that is shared online.



Over the next two weeks we will be working on:

  • Reading collaboratively during group Book Club sessions
  • Techniques writers use to persuade a reader
  • Making connections whilst reading
  • Fluency when reading; pace, accuracy and expression
  • Persuasive paragraph structure and arguments


Over the next fortnight in our mathematics learning students will be focusing on the area of addition and subtraction. Students will have the chance to continue to build a bank of efficient strategies for solving addition and subtraction problems. We will also be including a variety of open ended and problems solving tasks to allow students to think creatively and explain their thinking to others. 

As part of our maths learning we will be moving into a topic about time. Within this unit students will be learning how to convert between 12hr and 24hr time, solve problems involving time and calculate elapsed time. 



As part of our Inquiry learning students will spend time in the coming weeks investigating extreme weather and disasters. This will relate to our recent learning about the role of the Bureau of Meteorology and the importance of collecting weather data. Students will explore different examples of extreme weather, preparing a presentation that explains how to prepare for a specific natural disaster. 



Over the next two weeks in Well-being students will be learning about positive, negative and mixed emotions. Students will practise developing coping strategies for managing everyday situations and how to recognise certain emotions. These activities will involve some group work.  

Celebration of Learning


Morning Circle

As a whole school approach to practicing the Berry Street Model at Skye Primary, we have implemented a morning circle as a routine to begin the day. This is an opportunity to take time to share any special announcements, set up classroom expectations and establish a positive start to the day.  As part of the morning circle students will also participate in a positive primer which is a quick game to energise the students for the learning to come. 

Kitchen Garden

5B had a fantastic time at their first Kitchen Garden session this week. The students have been excited to take part in this program which has returned in 2024, during their session they have the opportunity to learn and cook new recipes with Mrs Furlong.