Connect: Year 3

February 2024

Welcome to another edition of Connect. We have a few important dates coming up so please check our upcoming events notice below so you can stay up to date!

What's coming up?

Friday 1st MarchSchool Photos
Tuesday 5th MarchWheelchair Basketball incursion
Tuesday 5th March

Open Afternoon - new date - 

Meet the teacher & Twilight Sports

Monday 11th MarchLabour Day - Public Holiday
Week 7  11th - 15th MarchNAPLAN - information to come

READERS announcement

Information will be coming home this week in regards to our expectations for reading at home. If your child does not have a satchel, they can be purchased from the front office. Having one is vital as we use it for readers, library books and notices to come home. Thank you for your help with this.

What's happening in the classrooms?

Literacy: The novel 'The Bogtrotter' was a successful kick start to our literacy program. Below you can check out the cute art and craft we made after learning about 'visualising'. We have since moved on to making connections between ourselves and a text, between the text and the world and connecting texts together. We have started building stamina in our writing, meaning writing for a focused period of time. This can be tricky at the start of the year and we have been proud of the kids perseverance!


Numeracy: We have been busy being mathematicians in our classrooms! This includes looking at place value, renaming and partitioning numbers. We have started problem solving and working through challenges. For the next fortnight we will look at the four operations: addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. 


Inquiry: We have started the immersion phase of our unit 'In Someone's Shoes'. This unit is all about being an inclusive society and placing ourselves in others' lives where someone may live with a disability. We have started watching some videos about vision impairment and physical disabilities. This will lead into our incursion in the next fortnight - Wheelchair Basketball, which we are very lucky to experience. 


Wellbeing: We are well on our way being established in our routines and expectations. This term we are going to look at positive ways to problem solve social situations as well as looking at our selves and how we can prepare being ready to learn each day. 

We have also brainstormed lots of different ways that we can make our mind and body focused! See the poster below.

A special visitor! 

During the week Lenny (Mr Bernau's sidekick) came to visit us in the Grade 3 area and the library...

Check out what we have been up to!

We have been incredibly lucky that our turn to do kitchen garden rolled around quickly.

Check out some of the work we have been doing in the garden!


Kitchen Garden


Need our emails again? Here they are!

3A - Amy Jung (M-W)- 

& Taryn Clough (Th & F) - 

3B - Helen Hamill -



We hope you all have a lovely weekend,

Amy, Taryn & Helen