Junior School

It was wonderful to see so many of our new families at the Meet the Teacher Afternoon last week. Putting faces to names is always so helpful at this stage of the year! We have put a recording of the introductory session up on Compass for families who were not able to attend but who are keen to get a sense of what their young person is studying at school this semester.


Our Student Progress Interviews will be an opportunity for all families to meet with classroom teachers. Thursday 21 March will be a student-free day to facilitate these meetings. For families not able to attend the face to face interviews, we will be offering the online interviews again this year on Tuesday 26 March between 4:00pm and 7:00pm. Whether face to face or online, we encourage students to attend with families to discuss their progress. Bookings for these interviews will be advised shortly through the Compass notifications. 


Buddy meet-ups happened last week with all Year 7 students being assigned a mentor. We will continue to provide opportunities for the buddies to meet over the next six months and look forward to watching these connections grow.


NAPLAN will be happening for our Year 7s in Week 7. Please see the Compass Dashboard for more information about the testing schedule.


As always, busy times for our Year 7s - they will enjoy the rest on Monday!

MELISSA HUGHES, Junior School Team Leader