Assistant Principal

Student Progress Interviews

Student Progress Interviews will be held this term on the following dates:


Week 8 - Thursday 21 March - 11:00am - 7:00pm

These interviews will be held onsite and there will be no classes running on this day.


Week 9 - Tuesday 26 March - 4:00pm - 7:00pm

These interviews will be held remotely via Webex and the school will have a shortened day, with timetabled classes finishing at 2:30pm.


Bookings for interviews will open this week - at 9:00am on Thursday 7 March.

Families are encouraged to book in early to ensure you can access your preferred times and dates. Note that some part-time staff will only be available on one of the scheduled days.


Bookings will close the day before each of the scheduled interviews.


For families that may be needing their Compass login reset, please contact your child's Sub-school.

Statement and Philosophy of Values

Link: Statement-of-Values-and-Philosophy-Policy.pdf (


Eltham High School has established a tradition through its strong commitment to the areas of: Inspiring through Excellence, Creativity, Individuality, and Social Justice. 


We believe in developing the next generation of ethical, moral, happy, and respectful citizens who have the skills to be resilient and optimistic about the future. Who through their creative talents, their ability to think critically, their voice, their compassion, their courage and their determination will be able to make their mark on the world and leave it a better place than what they had found it.


We believe that the “Deeds that Count” are: Respect, Integrity, Respect for Diversity and Environmental and Social Responsibility.


Student Engagement and Inclusion

Link: Student-Engagement-and-Inclusion-Policy.pdf (

Student-Engagement-and-Inclusion-Guidelines.pdf (


We aim to work together with the school community to ensure that the school is a harmonious and worthwhile place to be, where individual rights are respected, and students are supported and encouraged to strive for excellence. 


The Student Engagement and Inclusion Policy is underpinned by the school’s Purpose Statement: At Eltham High School each person feels safe to be themselves; and each person is challenged to think critically, to work in teams, to show leadership, and achieve success along many pathways. 


Bullying Prevention

Link: Bullying-Prevention-Policy.pdf (


At Eltham High School each person feels safe to be themselves and challenged to think critically, to work in teams, show leadership and achieve success along many pathways. 


The school develops, maintains, and sustains rigorous and effective bullying prevention practices which aim to maximise the benefits of social, emotional and learning interactions between members of the school community, to support student learning and the effective operation of the school while minimising and managing any risks. Essential to this is education for students and other members of the school community about safe and responsible social and learning interactions.

FRAN MULLINS, Assistant Principal