

Term 1, Week 4


Students have continued to impress staff as they settle into new classes and get used to working with a range of new classmates. Last week, students learnt about behaviour and consequences and why we need these at school. We focussed on consequences for challenging behaviour and positive consequences for when students display our school values of showing respect to self, others, and their learning. These often occur in the form of Dojo points. 


This week, in our Respectful Relationships lessons, students were introduced to Emotional Literacy (Topic 1). This topic aims to get students thinking about how they feel, how others may feel, what different responses might be to show or notice these feelings, and how expressing our emotions can be healthy and make us wonderful friends. 




You may like to complete an activity at home with your family, which is taken from the Year 1&2 Respectful Relationships booklet. 


Emotions statues: We Are Learning To: name common emotions and identify how emotions are shown in body language. Name an emotion (e.g. excited, angry, proud, scared, happy) and ask each person in the family to freeze as a statue, showing how they show that emotion with their body. Encourage a discussion about any similarities or differences you notice with the ways different people have expressed each emotion. Also, acknowledge that recognising the emotions of others can be really challenging, and sometimes we get it wrong, so it’s always important to clarify how people may be feeling if you are unsure. Consider discussing what sort of scenarios/experiences might lead to each emotion being expressed. It’s also a good idea to look at some photos/images to see if the children can identify what emotion people in the photos may be experiencing. 


If you have any questions about Wellbeing at OOPS, please do not hesitate to email Adam Todd at: adam.todd@education.vic.gov.au