This Week at OOPS

Year 3 and 4 Soccer Academy

Last Friday, Nick Hewish and Craig Gooding held the first session of our new Year 3 and 4 Soccer Academy.  The idea behind the Academy is to positively address some of the issues we have seen in the school yard during competitive sports, whilst improving the skill level and fitness of all participating students. Each week, students will run through some drills with Craig and Nick, followed by a game with an emphasis on playing fairly, respecting out teammates, coaches, and opponents. 


We are also working through problems that may arise in the school yard, coaching students in how they might respond when there is no teacher directly involved without students getting upset, being forced to leave the game or being injured. 


Last week we welcomed 16 students into the program, we are hoping to attract more students to up and coming sessions. There is no need to sign up, and whilst students are encouraged to attend for the whole term, there is plenty of room for students to come and have a go just once or twice.

3MP had the right idea this week, heading outside for an early game to beat the heat!

Lovely birds continue to visit us at school!  

This week we had a pair of colourful rainbow lorikeets perch outside the office window.