
Project Compassion Update

This term we are raising funds for Caritas through Project Compassion. Each class has been learning about the work of Caritas and how they are helping others who are not as fortunate as we are. We are also learning how we can do our part to help during Lent. 


This week you can read about Ronita's story below. 


Each classroom has a Project Compassion money box for children to donate small amounts of money. Each time a class raises $5 they will receive a water drop to display in the office foyer. In the first week alone we managed to raise $100! What an amazing effort from our little school. 


Stage 2/3 Mass

A huge thank you to Fr Paddy and the staff and children of Stages 2 & 3 who prepared and participated in a beautiful mass this morning. 

Upcoming Dates

Friday 15th March

9:30am - Whole school mass to celebrate Catholic Schools Week and St Patrick's Day hosted by Kinder and Stage 1. 


Come along and wear a touch of green. Following the mass we will have a whole school picnic for morning tea and then our classrooms will be open for families to explore. 

Saturday 23rd March

6pm - Parish Mass celebrating Palm Sunday to be hosted by Stage 3. 


All welcome to attend.