Middle School News

Year 7 to Year 9

Career Taster Program 

Year 9 students will be participating again in the State-wide initiative of the Year 9 Career Taster Program.


This program is created for Year 9 students to be able to engage, discover and explore future pathways. It’s not only about finding out what students like but also what they do not like. This will allow students to develop and plan their future journeys.


The program will be commencing in Term Two with three Career Tasters booked in for the term. The taster opportunities are plumbing, hairdressing and multi trades at various TAFE campuses in the south metro area.


This information has been given to all Year 9 students in their Career classes and they are aware of the opportunities being presented to themselves along with the requirements to be considered as limited places are open for each opportunity.


In classes, students are using the platform The Careers Department to learn and discover about future pathways. It is highly encouraged that they connect and converse with parents to discuss what they are considering and working towards for their future ambitions.


Parents and caregivers, please feel free to connect and create your free account which your child can add you to, to share their careers journey.


If there are any questions, please feel free to reach out and connect with myself.

~ Mr Luke Johns (Careers & VET Coordinator)

The Year 9 Eggstravaganza

The Year 9s have been refining their Science Inquiry Skills and focussing on ensuring a fair test when experimenting. As a part of the process, all classes have designed an egg contraption to protect an egg in a collision. Classes competed individually and winning groups from each class then competed against each other in a culminating Intra-Class Eggstravaganza.

During the experiment students discussed controlling all variables apart from the independent variable which was the design of the contraption.


Students dropped their contraptions from the second storey of the auditorium, then moved out to the basketball courts and completed a series of throws. Each time all groups were competitively protecting their egg from each collision. All eggs were successfully protected until the final collision when the contraption was thrown against the wall. Unfortunately, the collision with the wall took out all 4 of the eggs.

Winning groups included Damien W, Kyle B, Abigael M, Amam A, Ashlee D, Deklan M, Mitchell H, Riley M, Zoe M, Isabelle H, and Lilly R. Thank you to these students who were awarded merits and a sweet treat for their efforts.


Well done to the Year 9 Science students!


~ Miss B. Daniels, Mr S. Wornes and Mrs C. Thomas

Middle School Update

We were delighted to witness a strong turnout of Parents/Caregivers at the Salvado Catholic College Year 8 and 9 Information Night held on Thursday, February 15. These events serve as invaluable opportunities to deliver a unified message to our community, reinforcing the core values of Peace, Justice and Compassion that underpin everything we do at the College.


On Friday, Mr. Andrew Stone, along with the Year 7 PCG teachers and Education Assistants, embarked on a successful Activity Day despite blustery and challenging conditions. The return of our students in the afternoon, brimming with excitement and sharing positive feedback about their day, was truly heartwarming. Witnessing our young people bonding, having fun, and embracing new experiences provided a wonderful reminder of their capacity to challenge themselves and forge new friendships.


During our recent Wellbeing Wednesday, we hosted an Assembly to announce the appointment of PCG and House Representatives for 2024. It was inspiring to witness numerous students submit their applications and undergo interviews with their Year Coordinators. The pride displayed by parents/caregivers during the badge presentation was wonderful. Congratulations to the selected students, and we trust they will exemplify their dedication to serving others through their actions and the responsibilities they have chosen to undertake.


Mr Brendan McGrath 

Head of Middle School (Year 7 to Year 9)