Friends of Salvado

Welcome to 2024 and another year of FoS!

What is FoS? 

Friends of Salvado (FOS) is essentially your P&F committee at Salvado Catholic College. Any parent that has a child at Salvado can be part of the committee and can attend meetings.


FOS was put together to organise the fun fundraising and friend-raising (non- profit) events at Salvado - events such as School discos, movie nights, sundowners, raffles, Mother's Day stall, Father's Day stall, subway at sports carnivals, parent quiz night, colour runs and many more.


Think of Salvado “the school” being the cake and FOS as the icing on that cake. FOS raise money throughout the year so that our children have that little bit extra, such as shade sails, Edumarking games around the college, gazebos for sports carnivals in house colours, extra play equipment in the playgrounds, etc. We are also the parent body that put all your suggestions forward such as changes to uniforms, changes to events, any suggestions or areas that any parent thinks might need change can be submitted or brought up at our meetings. 


Did you know you are welcome at the FOS Meetings as general members? With our school being fairly new, we need our FOS fundraising and parent help more than ever. Currently we are following on from the amazing 2023 committee and fundraising for a cricket pitch on the oval, (did you know it costs roughly $10,000 for a cricket pitch?) and shelters at both Warrington Rd and Abernethy Rd Kiss and Drop areas to protect our children from both sun and rain while they wait for parents to pick them up. We all know patios cost a fortune! FOS money raised goes directly to help our students enjoy their time at the college. The four committee members can’t raise that much money with just four of them…. WE NEED YOUR HELP! 


Parent volunteers are needed ALL YEAR, to be Class Representatives, to run events, to contribute to events, to help at events, to help prepare before and after events, to decorate, to cook BBQs, to man doors at the disco so no child leaves the building, to hand out drinks, to pick up subway, the list goes on….. Even if you can only help once this year… please put your hand up and let us know. It's fun and it's for OUR kids….  

  • What do we need from our parents right now? We need class parent representatives for each year group.
  • Donations for our Easter Raffle and helpers for our upcoming sundowner on 15th March.
  • Volunteers for our Mother's Day Stall in May.

If you can help at any time during the year, please email to be placed on the volunteer registry.


To assist with our planning, kindly complete this survey.

Easter Raffle

The Easter Raffle tickets can be purchased via QuickCliq or at the Sundowner.



Entertainment book

You can still purchase an Entertainment Book, which will contribute funds towards the College. To order your book, please click