Principal's Update

Gabby Tigafua - Acting Principal

School Uniform

Mrs Tigafua
Mrs Tigafua

At Greenvale Primary we take pride in our school and our students. We ensure our school grounds and gardens are well maintained and we love it when our students are wearing their full correct school uniform. 


There are many reasons why it is important that students wear their uniforms correctly and with pride, including:


Uniforms promotes the idea that we are all the same. Children come together from different backgrounds and can immediately be identified as a member of our Greenvale Primary School community from the clothes that they wear, breeding a sense of cohesion and commonality.


When students all wear the same clothing every day at school, it levels out the playing field. Any expectations on what to wear are removed and children develop a greater sense of equality. Without school uniforms, the potential for children to tease and make fun of one another is increased. 


There are significant safety concerns to not adopting a uniform in school. With their school colours on, children can immediately be recognised at a distance as a member of that school. In a situation where someone who isn’t a member of the school is on-site, they can be easily identified as not part of the school by their lack of uniform. This can be extended to days outside of school grounds. On excursion, children can easily be spotted among crowds thanks to their uniform. This can be especially helpful when making school trips at the same time as other schools, where large crowds of children mix with one another.


As any parent knows, weekday mornings can be chaotic. It can be tricky enough to get yourself ready for work without having to worry about how your child is getting on too. Uniforms remove one more thing from the ‘to-do’ list of mums and dads every day.


With school uniforms, economics is made easier for parents. You know exactly what to buy and when to buy it, and often uniform can be used for more than one school year. School uniforms are robust and designed for longevity. They’ll last much longer than your child’s other clothing, helping you save money by not having to replace them as often.


Our School Dress Code is very clear and we encourage all parents and carers to read it carefully. This policy can be found on our school website: 


A few things to remember:


Shoes and socks – should be ONLY white and/or black. This includes shoe laces.

Jewellery - Students with pierced ears are permitted to wear gold or silver studs or sleepers only. No other jewellery should be worn or visible when worn. 


Make Up – No make up should be worn by any student including nail polish.

Hair Accessories - Hair ties, hair bands and head scarves may be, black, white or dark green. 


Shorts – students should be wearing appropriate school short or skorts. Bike shorts or ‘short’ shorts are not appropriate school wear. 

Annual Privacy Reminder for our School Community

Our school collects, uses, discloses and stores student and parent personal information for standard school functions or where permitted by law, as stated in the Schools’ Privacy Policy.

Please take time to read our school’s Privacy Collection Notice and the DET Schools Privacy policy, found on our website at

Below are links to our school’s translated collection notice 

* Arabic

* Turkish

* Urdu


After School Pick Up

Just a reminder to anyone entering the school before 3:15pm that you must sign in at the school office and have a valid reason for being on site.  The exception to this rule is Monday afternoon assemblies.  Gates will be opened from 3:15pm. Students can be quite distracted when parents and siblings are waiting outside their classrooms during learning time. 


Please do not park in the staff car park or walk through the double staff car park gates. Please use the path for yours and your child's safety. 

Early Pick Ups

Please be reminded that if you need to pick up your child early from school for a medical appointment it is recommended that it is not done between the following times:


Recess: 11:00am - 11:30am

Lunch: 1:40pm - 2:30pmand not after 3:00pm - On a Monday we have assembly.

Each other day after 3:00pm children are getting given their homework etc.

Thank you for your cooperation.

Foundation 2025

If you have a child that will be starting Foundation in 2025 please read the information below:


Enrolment Guidelines for Foundation 2025

Please visit our website for information regarding the timeline for Foundation 2025 enrolments and school tours. The process has changed and we are unable to distribute enrolment application forms until the 15th April 2024 - Term 2.


If you click the link below, it will take you to the registration form for Foundation 2025. Existing families are not required to book in a tour but are quite welcome to if you would like.


Once you have registered, we will email you an enrolment form in April or they will be available to collect from the office. Enrolment applications are to be returned by Friday 26th July 2024.




 Food for Thought









Gabby Tigafua - Acting Principal