Parents and Friends

P&F News
P&F Committee:
All are welcome to join our school P&F Committee. If you would like to be involved but are unable to attend the monthly Friday meetings due to work or other commitments, please feel free to e mail me and I will add you to the group. Each month I send out an agenda for the upcoming meeting and the minutes post meeting. There are lots of opportunities to be involved and it’s always so great to have many volunteers for our various activities and events.
Next P&F Meeting:
Friday 15th March at 9:15am. Please meet at the school office. All welcome!
2024 P&F Committee Positions:
President-Clare Grainger
Secretary-Robyn Dimopoulos & Clare Grainger
Treasurer-Krystal Burnett
(If you are interested in joining and taking on a role, please let me know).
Toast is available each morning for all students who would like some extra fuel before they begin the school day! Thank you to our wonderful volunteers who prepare and serve the toast each morning! If you would like to join the roster please let me know or you can pass your name onto Krystal in the office.
Annual Easter Raffle-School Fundraiser:
Our annual Easter raffle is on again!
We are seeking donations of edible and non edible items to be made into prizes for the raffle, which will be drawn at assembly on the final day of this term-Thursday 28th March.
If you are able to donate any of the following items that would be wonderful, however there is no obligation. There will be a box located in the school foyer.
•Chocolate easter eggs & bunnies-large, small, packets.
•Mugs, bowls, egg cups etc
•Easter themed books/ stationary/craft/
Raffle tickets will be sent home to each family next week-please look out for these. $1 per ticket with 10 tickets per book.
Please return tickets and money in a labelled envelope by Monday 25th March to be in the draw! More tickets will be available at the office if you would like.
Funds raised will go into our p&f fund which in turn will be used for student resources or activities…stay tuned!
Thank you in advance for your support!
Annual St Vinnies Easter Appeal:
A few years ago St Mary’s school community fostered a wonderful initiative-donating non edible items to those in need in our community at Easter time (much like we do at Christmas time). St Vinnies collect these items and distribute them into our community. It’s always so beautiful to see the spirit of giving alive in our wonderful students and families! If you are able to donate any of the following items by Monday 25th March, that would be wonderful. There will be a box located in the school foyer for these items to be placed. Thank you again for your support!
At St Mary’s this year we will be collecting any recyclable cans, bottles and containers marked with the 10cent refund. These in turn will be transported to Chewton Service Station. All money raised will come back to our school to benefit our students whilst strengthening our sustainability practises to contribute to a healthier world. There will be a new wheelie bin located down stairs for these to be dropped off. Many of you may be running this program at home, as my family is. Perhaps you could donate some of these to school whilst continuing your recycling and fundraising at home.
Student Special Lunch Day:
Term 1-Wednesday 27th March: Taco Day!
Students are welcome to purchase a taco with their choice of toppings for a gold coin donation on this day. There will be both vegetarian and beef options available. If your child would prefer they can bring their own lunch as usual.
We are seeking some parent helpers to assist with preparation and serving on the day. If you are able to assist, please let me know. Thank you!
Bendigo Sustainability Festival:
Upcoming event for those who may be interested….
Bendigo Sustainability Festival 2024
Sunday 17 March 2024 at the Garden for the Future, Hamelin St, White Hills, from 10am – 3.30pm.
Attendees will have the chance to purchase, learn and explore many new and creative ways to live. You can then implement them into your everyday life at home and at work.
This year we will be utilising the Wash Against Waste trailer from the Castlemaine region. Sponsored by the Resource Recovery and Education Unit of the City of Greater Bendigo. When you purchase from one of the food / coffee vendors your meal / coffee will be served on high quality melamine crockery. You will then place your plate / cup into a tub to be washed and reused! Zero waste!
Entry is by gold coin donation.
Guest Speaker
Craig Reucassel
Our guest speaker this year is Craig Reucassel. He is an Australian writer and comedian who is best known for his work with The Chaser and for going through your bins on The War on Waste.
School Fair 2024:
Every second year St Mary’s school holds a fair! This year’s fair will be held in Term 4. Exact date to be confirmed. This will be our major fundraiser for the year. We have begun initial discussions and are keen to start up our fair committee! If you would like to join, please email me or leave your name with Krystal at the school office. First meeting date is to be advised but will be this term. Stay tuned!
170 Year St Mary’s School & Parish Anniversary:
Sunday 11th August-Mass at 10:30am followed by a celebratory lunch in the St Mary’s Hall. All welcome! Save the date!
Have a great weekend!