School News

Religious Education News
This year our school theme is taken from the Book of Psalms and based on Psalm 42.
Please keep the following dates in mind and opportunities to participate in the season of Lent:
Thursday March 14 - As part of Catholic Education Week, St Mary’s School will be hosting an Open Morning from 10:00-11:00, for families and friends who may like to visit our classrooms. This will be followed by a simple morning tea on the playground and our final fundraiser for Lent, a money line. Please start collecting any loose change to send to school for our Project Compassion boxes and money line.
Throughout Lent, St Mary’s School has hatched a plan to raise money to help buy chickens for people like Priscilla from Zimbabwe. Watch the office space as our plan unfolds!
Thank you to all who have donated. We have raised $250 so far.
If you would like to add a donation to our school donation page at
Caritas Australia (which is tax deductible) use the following QR Code.
☘️Sunday March 17 – St Patrick’s Day Family Mass at St Mary’s Church at 10:30am. Come dressed in green and enjoy morning tea after Mass.
Thursday March 28 – On this day we will gather as a school community to remember the events of Holy Week; Palm Sunday, Holy Thursday and Good Friday. Parents and friends are welcome to join us for this Holy Week Liturgy at 9:15am in the Library at school. This liturgy will end on a solemn note as we wait for the joy of Jesus’ Resurrection on Easter Sunday.
Sacramental Dates:
Preparation - Term 2 Religious Education unit
Celebration on Thursday June 27 from 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm.
First Eucharist
Preparation - Term 3 Religious Education unit
Mass of celebration on Sunday August 18 at 10:30am.
Preparation - Term 3 Religious Education unit
Retreat Day for candidates on Thursday November 15 followed by Parent Information Session from 3:30-4:30.
Mass of celebration on Sunday November 17 at 10:30am.
Julie Cotter
Religious Education Leader
Dogs Connect
Dear St. Mary’s community members,
We are excited to announce that we are about to launch the Dogs Connect program in our school. This is a whole school wellbeing program which will see the introduction of a wellbeing dog in our community. Our school wellbeing dog will become a much loved and important member of our community. The Dogs Connect program will support us in implementing this very gradually, thoroughly, and considerately.
At this stage we encourage anyone who would like to know more about this program to look through the website link below:
We are very excited to be introducing our wellbeing dog in the near future. We have a team of staff who will lead this program. We look forward to sending more information in the coming days. We would also like to assure the community that this program will not involve anyone who does not wish to be involved. We know that this work will have a really positive impact on many people in our community, and we acknowledge and respect that connection with our wellbeing dog will be offered on a great variety of levels.
Below is a video link to learn more about the dogs connect program:
Foundation and Grade 1
In Maths we have been learning to write numbers and to write number words. We have also been investigating shapes. We had fun making pizza, seasonal trees and some of our own designs using lots of different shapes.
Phys. Ed & Science
Hi there everyone! Many of you know me but for those who don’t, I’m Clare and I teach at St Mary’s each Tuesday and Thursday this year.
On Tuesdays I will be teaching Phys. Ed and on Thursdays I will be teaching Science. I will have your student each week for Phys. Ed and every second week for Science.
This term in Phys. Ed we are focussing on learning in an outdoor space, routines and structure, participation, giving our personal best, cooperation and our three R’s we value at St Mary’s-respect, responsibility and resilience. These themes will continue throughout the rest of the year and will be integrated into all our lessons.
Students will be engaged in a range of activities each week with a focus on fundamental skill development and refinement, and applying these skills in a game/group activity context.
We will be preparing for district sporting events each term, where all schools in our district meet to participate in different sports including AFL 9’s, Netball and Basketball for Grades 3-6 (coming up this term), Tabloid Sports for Grades F-2 (next term) as well as Cross Country for Grades 3-6 (next term). Other district events will be coming up later in the year including Tennis, Cricket and Kickball as well as our own annual School Athletics Sports day! Swimming will also take place later in the year. Stay tuned for dates and permission forms as they draw closer.
This term in Science we are focussing on Biological Science with a specific focus on human health and learning about the body systems. In term two we will dive into Science History touching on Earth & Space Science, in term three we will engage in exciting Chemical Science and in term 4 we will focus on Physical Science/Physics.
For our first science lesson this term we explored the circulatory system and the function of our heart. We made a model of the heart using a jar, balloons and straws. It was so wonderful to observe the curiosity and excitement of the students as we discovered more! We discussed how to keep our heart and body healthy by eating healthy food, exercising and resting.
Last lesson we explored the function of the muscular system and how to ensure we have strong, healthy muscles! Ask your students about our hand model!
This week and next we are investigating how
our digestive system works and the importance of eating healthy food to provide our body with energy. We will be following the scientific method for conducting an experiment during this session!
In our final session this term we will be exploring our amazing nervous system. So much to learn!
Please send along an art smock labelled with your child’s/children’s name to be used in both Art and Science. These will be stored in grade groups in our Art/Science room for both specialists.
If you have any questions please feel free to chat to me or e mail me on:
Looking forward to a fun and learning filled year!
A little about Clare…..
My Background & Timeline to Teaching:
*Grew up in the country.
*4 siblings.
*Wanted to be a teacher from a young age and inspired by great teacher role models during VCE.
*Studied primary & secondary teaching at RMIT University in Bundoora.
*Worked as a classroom teacher for many years in different schools in Melbourne and surrounding towns, including Castlemaine.
*Started a family here in Castlemaine and became a full time mum.
*Resumed teaching casually at St Mary’s Castlemaine in the past few years.
*Passionate about teaching and watching students learn and grow!
Some Of My Favourite Things:
Food-vegetarian dishes
Animal-cow (and dog!)
Hobby-playing family board games and baking.
Subject-sport & science!
Place-home(& the beach!)
Upcoming Events:
Don't forget to mark your calendars for the upcoming events on the Calendar.
As always, we encourage parents and guardians to stay updated with school news and events by regularly checking Seesaw and following us on social media.
Thank you to everyone for your continued support and involvement in our vibrant school community!
Warm regards,