News of the Week

Dear St Brigid's Families
Aussie of the Month - Nate H
Congratulations to Nate (1/2A) for being chosen as Aussie of the Month. Nate is an outstanding role model to the Year Ones. Nate was surprised and proud of getting the Aussie of the Month. He is also encouraging the preps to follow our school rules.
Naplan is a test that all children in Year 3 and 5 complete each year. Hugo and Mikki interviewed children from Year 4 and 6 who did the test last year. This is how they felt.
Year 4 - Matthew was nervous before the test. After the test he felt very relaxed and proud. His favourite subject isn't maths, it's not that nerve racking.
Year 6 - Sammy enjoyed Naplan but he was nervous at the start, but once he finished the test he felt relieved and very proud of himself. He thought it went fast because he enjoyed it.
So just remember everyone, it is just a test and just give it your best shot!
5/6 Interschool Sport
Last Friday the year 5 /6‘s played against Parkdale Primary for inter school sports
Cricket results
Boys = Parkdale 111/67 St Brigid's
Girls = Parkdale 124/25 St Brigid's
Tenis results
Boys = Parkdale 2/10 St Brigid's
Girls = Parkdale 7/5 St Brigid's
Volleyball results
Mixed = Parkdale 2/0 St Brigids's (sets)
Interview with Prep Buddies
Olivia said the best part about school is the playground and making new friends every week. Olivia enjoys learning how to count and also loves painting in art.
Cameron Likes to play with his new friends he has made at playtime and likes to learn new sounds or even count up to 20.
Year 4 Eucharist
What is Eucharisit?
Eucharist is a sacrament that the year 4’s do where they receive the body and blood of Christ for the first time. (Nowadays we don't receive the blood of Christ due to covid).
Eucharist is the third sacrament in our catholic faith journey.
Just a reminder parents and Year 4’s the Eucharist Activity night for Year 4 students is Wednesday next week (6th March) at 7:00pm.
All of the Year 4's need to attend one Mass this weekend - Saturday night at 6pm or Sunday 9:30am at St Louis de Montforts or 8:00am or 11am Mass on Sunday at St Brigid's Church.
Reminder - School Closure Day next Friday 8th of March
Next Friday 8th March is a School Closure Day. All of the staff are going to the city to do some work around Religious Education and Wellbeing. Their Care will be open on Friday if families need to use the program.
District Swimming
Interview with two members of our District Swimming team
Spencer E was feeling nervous but also excited, about being part of the swim team, but he has experience of the District Swimming because he went last year, so he has gained more confidence. He is very happy with the breaststroke but is mostly worried about freestyle. Spencer is thrilled about the Swimming Carnival today and can’t wait to hop into the water!
Eva G is really excited about the swim team but is also nervous at the same time because she is racing against different schools. She was hopeful that she would get into the team. Eva is super excited for the swimming carnival today because her friends are in it too. Eva's goal is to have fun and give it a shot.
We hope you enjoyed our newseltter.
Mikki, Josh G and Hugo
Sports Captains
News from Mrs Sullivan
The National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) begins on March 13. This annual assessment is for students in Years 3, 5, 7 and 9. NAPLAN is a point-in-time assessment that allows parents to see how their child is progressing against national standards in literacy and numeracy.
The tests provide schools, states and territories with information about how education approaches are working and the areas to be prioritised for improvement. The results can assist teachers by providing additional information to support their professional judgement about students levels of literacy and numeracy attainment and progress.
NAPLAN tests are one aspect of each school’s assessment and reporting process, they do not replace the extensive, ongoing assessments made by teachers about each student’s performance. Your child’s teacher will have the best insight into your child’s educational progress.
The NAPLAN timetable at St Brigid’s is as follows:
- Wednesday, 13th March: Writing
- Thursday, 14th March: Reading and Conventions of Language (spelling, grammar & punctuation)
- Friday 15th March: Mathematics
We have until 25 March to catch up on any missed assessments. Given we have such a large period of time to catch up missed tests, please don't feel the need to send your child to school if they're not feeling well on the day of a test. We can administer any missed assessments at a later date.
It is important to note that NAPLAN results do not measure overall school quality. The assessments are undertaken annually nationwide.
Have a lovely weekend.
Mrs Sullivan