NLPS Parents Club

Information & Upcoming PC Events

Icy Pole Day - Friday 1st March

For our new families, icy pole day occurs every fortnight on a Friday in Terms 1 and 4.

Zoopa Doopa (or similar) icy poles are sold to students for 50c at lunchtime and it is a highlight of the summer calendar! Cash only. It is also a great little fundraiser for our school.





Annual General Meeting

The Parent Club AGM 2024 was held on Tuesday evening. Thank you to those parents who attended. 


At the AGM, we were pleased to confirm the appointment of the following parents to Office Bearer positions in 2024.

  • President - Jacqueline Donnelly 
  • Secretary - Erwin Jafari 
  • Treasurer - Jude Twyman 

As there was one nomination per position, these roles were automatically appointed with approval provided by Kellie Holdich, our NLPS Business Manager, as required per the recently adopted DET Model Parent Club Constitution. 


On behalf of the School Community, we thank Jacqueline, Erwin and Jude for putting their hands up to take on these important roles. 


Next General Meeting

Look out for the date for the first Parent Club General Meeting for 2024! Information will be sent out on Compass and in the newsletters


This first meeting will be an opportunity to;

  • Meet our new President, Secretary and Treasurer
  • Share ideas about what events and activities you'd like to see from Parent Club in 2024.
  • Understand how you can volunteer and contribute to Parent Club.

If you would like to have your say, we would strongly encourage you to register as a Parent Club member (registration forms available from front office - it is a DET requirement that forms are hard copy) so that you can have a formal vote on matters as needed at our general meetings.


Volunteer Requirements

NLPS has mandatory requirements for people within the school community who wish to volunteer. The following requirements must be met prior to anyone volunteering on behalf of Parent Club. 

  • Working with Children Check
  • Volunteer OH&S Induction
  • Complete Child Safe Induction

We would ask any of you intending to volunteer at any stage over the year to email Kerry  in front office to complete the requirements. 


You can contact Parents Club at any time via ouremail 


Parents Club Coordinators

Robyn Grayson, Lauren Sammartino &  Wennie Tan