Year Level News

Including Specialist Subjects

Foundation News

Foundation Welcome Picnic - TONIGHT Thurs 29th February 

Foundations families are welcome to attend a welcome picnic to meet and mingle with other new families at NLPS. Foundation classrooms will be open for parents to come in and have a look at what students have been doing so far.


Open Classrooms - 3:15pm to 4:15pm 

Picnic in the playground - 4:15pm to 6:30pm


This week, the Foundation students met their Year 5/6 buddies! 

This was very exciting for all involved, as the Foundies got to meet the ‘big kids of the school!’ It was lovely to see the Year 5/6 students teach their buddies a lot of things about NLPS. The students worked on a Venn Diagram together and talked about all the things they had in common and all of their differences!


Throughout the term, we will continue to do activities with our buddies - the next activity will be the Teddy Bear Picnic!


Year 3 News

On Wednesday the Year 3 students tested out the Nudel Kart deconstructable, mobile play cart as part of our STEM incursion. Students were able to explore the endless possibilities, using their creativity and imagination. Each class was set the challenge of working collaboratively to create a castle and a dragon. 


The school has purchased a Nudel Kart as a replacement for the POD Play that was removed due to our building works. Our Year 3 students look forward to sharing their experiences with other students and encouraging them to ignite their creativity.


PE/Sport News

Selected students who were successful at the District Swimming Carnival will be heading back to the Werribee Outdoor Olympic Pool on Wednesday 6th March to participate in the Division Swimming Carnival.

Please note:

  • Students have be given a copy of the program today with the events they will be in.
  • Students are required to be at the pool 45 minute prior to their event. 
  • Parents are required to transport their children to and from the pool and supervise their child for the duration of the carnival. If you are struggling with this, please contact Mr A or the front office and we will try and assist.

Students are required to wear school uniform, and bring bathers, towel, swim cap (school can provide) and goggles. Please dress appropriately for the weather on the day including hat and sunscreen and warm clothing to put on in between/after events. Students will need to bring their snacks, lunch & drink for the day.