The Storm of 2024

My Recap of the Storm..... 


by Amelia (5/6C)

The ominous thunder rumbled, everyone screaming every time it clapped. We hurriedly went to the car and crammed in with Nicole and her Nonna. The rain began the second we started to drive. The storm became dangerous when we arrived at Nicole's. We waited in the car, unable to see, terrified, while thunder and lightning exploded around us in quick succession. 


When the storm finally died down, we tried to get home. We saw wreckage unfolding around us, and many large trees were down and broken. We saw flash flooding and traffic lights not working. We were lucky we weren't affected. Thank goodness nobody we know was injured. That is an afternoon to remember.


by Bridget (5/6G)

The thunder was rumbling, lightning was flashing and hail was pouring. The bell sounded and I ran down to the courtyard. Me, Annie and Mary sprinted to the car. The hail was now getting inches bigger and there were cars everywhere. "No more pool for us" Mum exclaimed as we turned onto the big road. 


The air was white and you couldn't see in front of you. Mary was crying as lightning struck a nearby power line. Trees lined the streets, fallen with the strong winds. My heart was beating as we pulled into the safety of our driveway. I said a silent prayer and the storm started to die down. 


We looked into our backyard. The pink monkey bars were bent, lying against the trampoline. Tiles from our roof were sitting on our grass, having abandoned our roof. Inside, we found out that windows had been open due to the hot weather and water had exploded onto ceilings, beds and carpet. All of a sudden, the power was off. And that was the story of the STORM OF 24.


by Abigail (3/4G)

Crack! "1,2,3" Molly counted to herself. Rumble, rumble boomed the nightmare-like-but-incredible thunderstorm overhead. "3 seconds, that means the the storm's....about 3 kilometres away" she mumbled to herself. It was just after 3.30pm and all the students at school were racing dramatically around the courtyard.


by Lauren (3/4G)

Boom! "AHHH" The children screamed in fright at the thunder. "Everyone into the hall!" A voice boomed over the loudspeaker. Everyone scrambled at a rapid pace to collect their things and get to the safety of the hall. Once everyone was in the teachers tried to calm the screaming students. Everything was still  when suddenly there was a loud WHOOSH as an unforgiving wind swirled up.