Principal's Report

Dear families,
As we head into a much-anticipated long weekend it is time to stop for a short while and reevaluate how our life is proceeding. As I frequently mention to the students, life is not something that happens once you finish school. As adults, we can be guilty of this trait as well; failing to see that our life is happening now and that there are no guarantees of a tomorrow.
Next week, before the NAPLAN testing on Wednesday to Friday, we have a planning day on Tuesday which will be student free. As the students departed this afternoon, I asked many what their plans were for the four-day break. It was interesting that some of the younger students responded with ‘nothing’ or ‘dunno’. I am sure that some of them had possibly forgotten their families plans or just did not want to engage with the principal after a tiring week.
Once again I hope that this extended weekend provides all families with a chance to spend some time together away from the screens. Whether it is participating in the fishing competition or merely pulling out the old Monopoly board, I encourage you to do something together as a family. The research shows that students who have parents curious about their lives tend to do well academically. When I greet the students again on Wednesday, I look forward to hearing many and varied reports of what they got up to on the weekend. And with that said, I will sign off now to go and spend time with my family.
Tight lines,
Gerard Raven