
Student of the Week - Week 2

Student of the Week-Week 3

Student of the Week Awards - Week 4

1/2K - Vivienne R

1/2S - Cate S

1/2T - Pip DC

3/4B - Henry L-M

3/4J - Jara H

3/4L - Billie McC

3/4S - Hanna S

5/6K - Tom P

5/6J - Evie D

5/6BC- Honey D


Happy Birthday to ......


Week 4

Maison D, Arthur D S, Ahlam A, Anna J, Olivia O, Aires K



SRC Members 2024

Student Learning -Foundation

Fun, friends and fantastic learning happening in FMM!

Reflections from kids: 

“I like playing in the morning because I get to build things”

“ I like it when the teacher reads a book in the reading corner with us” 

“Playing with the dice is fun because it is noisy and we build big towers”

“ we made scary monsters for the letter M”


In FJ maths,  we have been exploring patterns. Here are some wonderful examples of repeating patterns. 

Cut, order and stick sentences about a buzzing bee 🐝