Sports News

Touch Football PSSA Knockout
Late last term Boambee Girls Touch Football Team defeated Bellingen in their Round 4 match of the PSSA Knockout Competition. Our girls are developing higher levels of skill for playing touch football and we wish them success in the next round. Tries went to: Amelia (2), Leyla (2), Aysha (1) and Summer (Captain with 1 try). All of our girls played well and should be proud of their efforts so far.
The Boambee girls' soccer team is performing strongly this year and improving with each game. This success is a result of the entire team's dedication to training and teamwork. They won their last game against Coffs Public School with an impressive 11-0 victory and will compete against Bellingen Public School in round four of the knockout competition early this term. Congratulations, girls! Keep up the great work!
Athletics Carnival - Field Events
Our students were lucky enough to have a beautiful sunny day for the Athletics Carnival field events last week. Please check out the action shots below, it was great to see so much effort go into each of the events.