Principal's Message

Dear Parents/Carers,
Our 2024 School Camping program is well underway with the completion of our second camp last week where our Year 3 students went to Kangaroobie.
We still have quite a few to go. In the second week of Term 3, Wednesday 24th to Friday 26th July, Year 5 students will be going to Sovereign Hill in Ballarat.
It is vital that payment, medical and consent forms are returned prior to the end of Term 2 to ensure that each child is able to attend.
The following week 16 lucky Year 5/6 students will be attending a 9 day camp to Somers on Westernport Bay from Tuesday 30th July to Wednesday 7th August. Ms Stephanie Hann who co-ordinates Somers Camp for the district will be attending with Mr Edward Hargreaves. The 16 students were drawn via a secret ballot by the Year 5/6 teachers. The following students were very lucky to be selected; Year 6 - Frankie Brown, Millie Jeppeson, Angel Gumbo, Violet Fletcher, Jack Bryant, Dominik Broadley, Benjamin Collie, Tom Gent; Year 5 - Sophie Wallace, Matilda Stuart, Paige Serra, Lexi Cooper, Eli Pollard, Zac Traill, Sam Turner and Robert Cleverley. If someone is unable to attend then a replacement will be drawn from the remaining students who expressed interest.
It's great to see so many students keen to attend this wonderful camp.
Thank you to our Parents/Carers for supporting this program.
Teachers and students have been working very hard over the past few weeks completing assessment and reporting tasks. Our Pupil Free Day today was to ensure that reports are written and completed ready for proof reading and editing. The reports will be available on Compass on Friday 21st June to allow discussion with your child’s teacher at the Parent Teacher Interviews in the final week of Term 2. Please ensure that you book your Interview time through compass when bookings open but if you have any issues please contact the school office.
Parent Teacher Interviews will be held Monday 24th to Wednesday 26th June from 3.30 - 5pm. NB: Year 3 interviews will commence earlier for those families who can access that time.
Next week we welcome three 3rd year student teachers from Canada to Warrnambool Primary School. Kayla Bleeker, Tara Gauthier and Lauren Hare are spending a month in Australia as part of a study tour. All three student teachers will no doubt enjoy their experience across a range of years at our great school.
We are excited to announce that two local authors, Richard Pritchard and Jordan Gould, have just published their 3rd novel in the ‘Wylah’ series, and they have agreed to come and speak to students in Year 3 and 4 on Wednesday 19th June.
‘Wylah’ is a strong female Koorie warrior. Jordan and Richard came to discuss their first novel with us and it was really enjoyable! The artwork is amazing and the characters are loved by children. More information will be provided closer to the event as well as information for anyone who would like to order a copy and have it signed on the day.
Aunty Vicki Burrows has offered to teach our Indigenous girls some traditional dances, which they are hoping to perform at an assembly next term.
Sessions will take place on Wednesday afternoons after lunch at school under the supervision of Koorie teacher Mrs Gina Mills. Parents of students involved have been notifed by email.
We look forward to this performance in the future!
On Thursday 6th June I attended the Principal Network Meeting at Deakin University in Warrnambool. I was very pleaseed to be joined by two of our Koorie students Chey Nelson and Coby Collins. Principals from across the region were delighted to hear from Chey and Coby about their experience at Warrnambool Primary School.
Thank you Chey and Coby for attending and your wonderful speeches.
Have a great weekend.
Peter Lee