Visual Arts

Memory Project

The start of June marked the end of the lunch time art club 'The Memory Project' which has been running three lunchtimes a week in the art rooms thanks to volunteer staff and students. 

This project pairs our students with an orphan living in India. Our students receive a photo of a child and a little information about their interests, favourite colour and personality. 


With this information the student artists created a portrait gift to send back to the child in India. 


It is a fantastic way for our young people to learn about another culture, develop their art skills and demonstrate care and compassion for others.


Photocopies of the artworks that were sent to India and are on display in the school library for the remainder of the term.


Well done to the 21 students, years 7-12, who participated in the project this year.

Semester 1 Art Exhibition

In Year 9/10 Visual Art students have been working on their self-directed learning projects for around six weeks. This project aimed to develop student's individual artistic voice and allow them the flexibility to study artists, techniques and subject matter they were truly passionate about. 


In total 50 students across the two year levels have followed the design process and arrived at final works that demonstrate a culmination of this learning and participated in a group exhibition in the front office foyer space. 


This exhibition will be on display until Friday 21 June. Well done to all participating student artists.