School Excursions

SACE stage 1 outdoor education - Southern Flinders Ranges

Our SACE stage 1 outdoor education classes explored the Southern Flinders Ranges for one of our experiences in the outdoors.


This involved menu planning to cook on trangias, setting up tents, packing rucksacks, navigating and leading the group for different sections of our bushwalk.


We walked Telowie Gorge along the Nukunu trail on the first day in sunshine, which was a great introduction to the Flinders Ranges. We set up camp at Mambray Creek, then on day two hiked 15km through Hidden Gorge and climbed up to the top of the Battery to experience amazing views over Spencer Gulf.


On day three we packed up and travelled to Wirrabara Forest experience a different environment and for the group to walk independently.

Congratulations to the group on their efforts supporting each other, being organised, and contributing to a positive outdoor experience

Year 9 Outdoor Pursuits Belair Bushwalking Excursion

Our two semester 1 year 9 Outdoor Pursuits classes ventured to Belair National Park as a component of our Navigation, Bushwalking and Orienteering unit. 

Students have been learning map reading skills, route planning, field navigation and researching to understand the management and environment at Belair. The groups enjoyed their bushwalking experience and worked well as a group