Nature Education Centre

The APHS science faculty has become an active member with the nature education centre at Urrbrae. The Nature Education Centre (NEC) is an Adelaide based not-for-profit organisation that provides a hands-on approach to learning about the environment. 


The NEC makes school visits and loans animals to members in order to get young people interested in the study of nature. We have been lucky to have two known Australian animals, such as two beautiful green tree frogs (Litoria caerulea) and a yabby (Cherax destructor). 


Students in stage 1 biology are currently learning about the taxonomy within the tree of life and how scientific names are given. The animals provide authentic learning opportunities to see their physical structures, morphology, and research breeding habits to suggest common ancestors. 


Students in year 7 will explore the conservation status, IUCN, and look at the red list of endangerments which also identifies the threats these animals have currently.  


If any animal lovers would like to volunteer their time with feeding, cleaning, handling and other general welfare tasks. Volunteers need to be at least 15 years of age to volunteer.


Check the website out for more details and for more info contact email is