School Captains 2024

A school captain is a student leader who represents their peers, communicates student concerns to school administration, and fosters a positive school community.

Kris D.

What is your favourite subject? 

As of right now, my favourite subject is English Literary studies because of the awesome debates that take place in our class. I love writing in general and it is definitely one of my biggest strengths.


What is your favourite song? 

I love so many different songs, but my favourite would probably be Empire of the Clouds by Iron Maiden. 


What do you love about being a student at APHS? 

Probably the fact that if I am struggling with something, I know that help is a mere talk away. I know I can go up to someone, whether it be a teacher or a friend, confident that they would be willing to assist. All in all, I love the welcoming and open atmosphere of our school. 


What does leadership mean to you? 

To me, leadership is equity, pulling others up and focusing on their strengths. This is something I really want to promote in my year as Vice-Captain. Leadership is also standing true to my own values in the face of adversity.


Do you have any post school plans or aspirations? 

My current post school plan is to study Law and International Relations at Flinders University, hopefully going on to do something in either law or politics

Aishwarya R.

What is your favourite subject? 

Science and Mathematics 


What is your favourite song? 

It's just too hard to decide, but I love listening to a lot of R&B.


What do you love about being a student at APHS? 

I think it is great how the school tries to foster a sense of community and every student has the opportunity to build relationships with their peers and teachers through various platforms. 


What does leadership mean to you? 

I think being able to analyse situations through various perspectives is a major factor involved in being a good leader. Leadership to me is being able to set direction and encourage people to do their best by recognising their strengths and weaknesses. 


Do you have any post school plans or aspirations? 

My post school plans are still a bit unclear, however I would love to pursue a degree in science at university.