Music/Drama News

Year 7 Music

On Tuesday 21 May our middle school music students had their first performance for the year.

Amber R, who was a finalist in the Songwriters, Composers, And Lyricists Association (SCALA) People's Choice Song Competition 2024, performed covers for the audience.


The year 7 specialist music students showed off their skills, playing as a collective group having been learning instruments for a short 10 weeks.


A great performance by all our students and we can't wait to hear more during the year.

Secondary Schools Strings Symphony

On Thursday 30 May, the Secondary Schools Strings Symphony (SSSS), visited Aberfoyle High School. It was a wonderful afternoon that was shared with the strings students and year 8-11 music students. 


The SSSS held a workshop for our string students where they were seated next to a member of the orchestra and were given a new piece of music to sight read. Each member helped our string students. It was a special opportunity for our students to experience the skill, discipline and dedication of the members of the SSSS. 



Sean, the conductor for the event was so impressed that our students joined in with the SSSS to perform the piece they had learnt to the year 8-11 music students. The SSSS also performed three other pieces. 


We are also very proud of Tenzin, one of our own students is a very vibrant member of the SSSS. 

A full list of upcoming gigs is listed below