From The Principal

Marion Coady

As the end of term 2 draws near, we will be farewelling some staff.


Ms. Meenu Sindhu, Ms. Elle Lawrence and Mr. James McLaughlin will be finishing at the end of the semester. Ms. Tamisha Mably has started maternity leave and will be returning in 2025. 


We are welcoming

  • Ms. Emma Kinge teaching Food & Hospitality 
  • Mr. Martin Thompson teaching Design and Technology
  • Mr. Ross Dempster will be teaching Health and PE

We are welcoming back Mr. Craig Ottoway from the start of semester 2 and Mr. Craig Neilsen from the start of term 3.


On 5 July, semester 1 reports for year 7 to 11 students will be available as well as term 2 reports for year 12 students.


The school holidays will see year 12 teachers offer some holidays lessons which provide students with the opportunity to consolidate their learning in preparation for term 3.


With the release of reports on 5 July, students have the opportunity to reflect on their learning celebrating, their improvements and settings goals to improve as they move into the next semester or, in the case for year 12 students, their final twelve weeks of learning excluding examination time.


In setting goals for improvements, it helps if students are able to articulate

  • what they have achieved
  • what they are most proud about
  • what they can improve
  • how they are going to focus on that the want to improve
  • strategies they can use such as 
    • asking for move help in class
    • sitting in a place they are least distracted
    • setting regular time aside to complete tasks
    • starting tasks earlier
    • not leaving things to the last minute
  • staying on tasks in class
  • accessing the middle school tutoring or the senior school learning hub.
  • getting drafts done to get feedback

It is important that only one or two things are changed at a time. If we try to make too many changes simultaneously, it becomes too hard, and we give up. Small changes which reap rewards help us to maintain our focus.

Communications for staff:


As you can appreciate, the use of technology offers us a 24/7 opportunity to send emails or use Daymap. Communication between parents and caregivers with teachers is an important way to work mutually in the interests of your children and our students.


Our staff have agreed to communicate within 48 hours of parents/caregivers making contact by phone or email or through Daymap. Staff who are absent from school will not be responding to communications until they returned to school after their absence.


If staff are away from school for lengths of time and you have not received a response, please make contact with the year level leader or a member of the Executive team. We will endeavour to work with you to try and resolve any of your concerns.

Managing COVID-19 update

Students who test positive to COVID-19 should not attend school until their acute symptoms have cleared. This is usually 5 to 7 days. Further information can be access from the following link COVID safe measures and requirements on the Education website.

Smokeless Tobacco Products Update


While vaping has dominated headlines and prompted legislative action, leading to restrictions and heightened awareness, it is essential to recognise that this is just one part of a larger issue. The nicotine landscape is rapidly evolving, with new products and consumption methods continually emerging.


Often these innovations remain unnoticed until they become significantly popular among our youth, at which point they pose a substantial risk. 


Here is the link to further information around Smokeless Tobacco Products

Students return to school on 23 July as we have out third Student Free Day on 22 July.


I wish all our students and families a safe and relaxing term 2 school break.