Dear Parents/Guardians/Carers/Students and Staff,
Well done to all our students on surviving a long cold Term! This term has been very busy, and our students have managed to keep up and achieve some marvellous outcomes. We wish all our families a safe and happy holiday. Please be reminded that school commences back on Monday 15th July.
Semester 1 reports will be live on Compass from 28th of June, 3.30 pm. If you wish to discuss anything about your child's report, please book a parent teacher interview early in term 3.
Whole school Wellbeing Day
On Thursday 20th of June all students engaged in a Wellbeing Day. Kids participated in mindfulness activities, colouring, puzzles, and health-based activities. Our staff cooked egg and bacon sandwiches as part of the day. The kids loved it and some even commented that it was "the best sandwich ever". All of our students looked warm and cozy with their colourful PJ’s.
Whole school rewards day
Our students had a wonderful day on Wednesday playing cohort hide and seek. Early in the term our SRC came up with 3 options for an end of term celebration. They were hide and seek, free dress day and sports day. Students used their dojo points to receive tokens and vote their preferred reward. Hide and seek won by miles. It was a fun activity and our students played fairly and safely. Well done to all of our students for demonstrating our values.
Give Back Day / Vaues Day
Friday 14th June was Give Back Day and linked to our value of respect. our students wore their values t-shirts, engaged in values themed activities and most importantly donated items for the RSPCA and AAPS. It was heartwarming to see that Ms Ignace’s office was covered with donations from our school community. Our Kilberry CARES values was on display.
Values signs
I would like to thank Anthony one of our amazing parents from Grade 2 and father of Indy Crundwell for very generously making our Values signs. This includes the values signs and matrix of expectations in classes, the signs outside in the yard and most recently the big sign on the cnr of Warana and Kilberry. Thank you for supporting our school “ANTT MANN Signs” and also a special thanks to Indy for helping dad out in making the signs!!!
This term our students have been on a few excursions as part of their learning. Our seniors visited the Arts centre, grade 2’s went to Old Gippstown and had an olden days dress up and our Grade 1’s went to Lego land and also had an olden days game day and invited their families along to join. Our Preps had an awesome teddy bears picnic which included lots of dancing, icing cookies and arts/craft. I would like to thank all staff for their efforts in making these events happen.
I wish all of our school community a safe and restful school holidays and I look forward to seeing everyone in term 3.