School Council Report

School Council last met on Wednesday 5th June (our last meeting for the semester). With the departure of Chris Greenhalgh we welcomed our new staff rep, Emma Redmond. Thankyou Chris for your time and valuable contribution to School Council, and welcome to Emma.


A summary of key points:

  • Contracts for cleaning and gardening are due for renewal at the end of the year. 
  • Excursions approved including Downhill and Cross Country Ski Programs, and Indonesian Melbourne Experience. 
  • With the change in providers at the Falls Creek Medical Centre it was discussed how important it is to ensure families have Ambulance cover.
  • Student leaders requested more recycling bins in school grounds and canteen.
  • Facilities report included repaint of boys bathroom along with automated flushing device for urinal and exhaust fan, (unfortunately we were unsuccessful with grant to rebuild toilets last year, however are trying again this year with another Department grant).
  • Other facility plans are to complete installation of overhead projectors (waiting on electricals), pin board replacement in classrooms, and purchase of a commercial dishwasher for the Cafe.
  • Discussed the need to update the flag poles at school (looking into suitable grants).